At The End of The Road Manga | Know What Your Dreams Tell You

Mangas that are released have the same genres as tragedy, mystery, romance, or sci-fi. But this one, at the end of the road manga has a different approach from the rest of them. Here the storyline is very intricately chosen. A very common malpractice among youngsters is being highlighted in this manga.

We know everyone is not the same, but each one has a distinct characteristic. And it is unique to each one of us. This story brilliantly highlights this topic and brings in amazing illustrations to bring the story to life.

Most people have loved reading this manga. Hence it has led the manga to be translated into English to cater to a larger audience. Hence, you can easily imagine how popular this manga already is. To know more about the story, read the blog now.

Story of At The End of The Road Manga

The protagonist of the story is Yoon Taemin. He is all alone in the whole wide world and has to learn how to survive on his own. He has a nightmarish dream where he sees a boy commit suicide by getting hit by a truck. But the dream was a warning for him.  He dies in the same way as seen by him in his dream.

After his death, Taemin found himself in the body of Min Siwoon. Min was a frail and timid teenager who took his life by jumping from a building. Siwoon on the other hand has parents who are quite well off. But he is a victim of bullying by his brother. Siwoon cannot stand for himself and hence gets bullied by his brother almost all the time.

Also, read The End of The World Manga | Know When it is Ending?

Taemin accepted his situation and started living in Siwwon’s body. He made an excuse for memory loss to get into Siwoon’s identity. But his past life catches up with him quickly. He comes across Han Siwon, his childhood friend.

Han is no more the weak boy he was earlier. Han recognizes the truth. He instantly comes to know it is Taemin in Siwwon’s body. The manga slowly unfolds other mysteries and stories which lead to their unfortunate circumstances.


The story of this manga is quite different from the others. Here you get a different storyline and plot to discover. It is also a popular manga among youngsters. Read the manga and enjoy the rest of the mystery that unfolds. Till then we will bring you a story about another manga. Sayonara, keep reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the end of the road, manga is created by whom?

Haribo is the creator of the manga at the end of the road.

Does Taemin die in the accident?

Yes, Taemin dies in the road accident but he takes the body of another person to live on.

Is the anime of At the End of the Road manga released?

Yes, the anime of at the End of the Road has already been released.

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