15 Top Questions to Ask at the End of Your Interview

You are just feeling good after an interview session, especially when you are out of the interview room perceiving that you have landed the job. But then it hits you … The final question. That’s right, it’s high time to succeed or fail. The best of questions asked after an interview not only exhale your passion but also depict the tactics. This is what you ask that can tip the scales. 

Picture this: you have answered every question thrown at you and now it’s time for you to reverse the roles. Posing intelligent, prepared questions proves that you aren’t just in the market for a job; you’re in the market for the right job. It is your chance to expand the impression you are going to make and positively influence your potential employer. 

The last questions you ask can therefore elicit your concern and passion towards the position and organization you are applying to. They make that crucial difference when the employer is trying to choose you out from a long list of equally eager job seekers thus demonstrating that you are seeking a good match. Well, let’s take a closer look at some of the best things to say before wrapping up an interview and at the end so you can leave a memorable impression. 

Top Questions to Ask at the End of Your Interview

  1. What does success look like in this role, and how is it measured?
  2. Can you tell me more about the team I would be working with?
  3. How does this position contribute to the company’s overall goals?
  4. What are the biggest challenges someone in this role might face?
  5. What opportunities are there for professional development and growth within the company?
  6. Can you describe the company culture and values?
  7. How does the company support work-life balance?
  8. What are the next steps in the hiring process?
  9. Are there any additional skills or qualifications you wish the ideal candidate had?
  10. How does the team typically celebrate success or milestones?
  11. Can you share examples of projects or initiatives the team is currently working on?
  12. How has this role evolved over time, and where do you see it heading?
  13. What do you enjoy most about working here?
  14. Are there opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration?
  15. How does the company handle feedback and performance reviews?


Selecting what to ask towards the close of an interview is likely to make you stand out from the crowd from outstanding. Thus, these questions are not only evidence of your intention but also give you the information about company’s climate and requirements. Therefore if you plan well and prepare well, the last impression will be as good as the previous ones in the interview.

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