Among the manga series released in recent days One Piece manga owns a special place. For as long as 25 years this manga series has enchanted audiences with the adventures and fascinating stories of the pirates. Both the manga and the anime series of this story have been released.
The manga has been quite popular with the audience. The manga was published in 1997 and the anime started telecasting in 1999. Although both may appear the same there is a slight difference in the manga series with the anime. Both of them garnered a lot of attention and love from the audience.
So in the blog below, we will discuss the differences of one piece manga vs anime. I am sure you are also eager to know more about it and find out if you have missed anything.
One Piece Manga vs Anime: Pace and Filler
Anime is the version of the manga where a lot of content is shown in less amount of time. Hence, some audiences may find the anime to move at a slow pace. You may also find fillers in the anime which are very small stories that act as a bridge to transition from one Arc to another. It also helps the anime to move ahead according to the manga. But some find the anime to be slow and boring and they feel the manga is a better option.
One Piece Manga vs Anime: Art And Animation
The style of art of both manga and anime is quite different. In the manga, you would find the art to be more detailed to grab the interest of the reader. Whereas in anime the art is kept short and much more streamlined to cut down on the cost of animation. The anime brings in more effects and modifies the animation to make the action scenes look real. So, you can choose the version as per your preferences.
One Piece Manga vs Anime: Content and Censorship

Manga has a lot of free standardized rules when it comes to publication. Whereas anime does not have so. Content that is too violent or explicit cannot be displayed telecasted due to strict rules and regulations of broadcasting. In anime, the content might go through changes as per the need. As any anime would cater to audiences of all ages dignity has to be maintained. In that case, if the content of the manga needs any change or the entire plot or story needs any change then it is done. The anime is created keeping in mind the strict rules and likes of everyone.
One Piece Manga vs Anime: Effects And Colors
The one piece manga is printed in black and white with very few color pages. Sometimes the cover had a colored artwork. Whereas the anime has all the colors. The colors of the characters were created only during the anime. In manga covers published in Shoren Jump the covers were presented in colors. Thereon the anime included the colors of the characters in their telecast.
So, how do you like the differences between the one piece manga vs anime? I am sure you now have the clarity to choose the right version for yourself. As the manga and anime are quite old, so now it may not excite young readers or audiences as it does with other manga and anime. But this story still has its old charm alive among many. So, I would like to take leave now and bring to you other exciting stories of manga and anime, Siayonara!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the creator of One Piece manga?
Eiichiro Oda is the mangaka of the legendary One piece manga.
When did the one piece manga start publishing for the audience?
The one piece manga was published for the audience in the year 1997.
How old is the anime One Piece?
The anime of One Piece started in 1999. So, it is almost 25 years old.
Is one piece anime in a colored version?
Yes, one piece anime is in a colored version.