What is a Male Dog Called | Know Surprising 10+Names of The Canines

Dogs are a man’s best friend but what name to give the dog? Hence, I have designed an article as what is a male dog called? Below I have provided all the possible names being given to dogs and their counterparts. These names are crucial as this helps them distinguish from other dogs.

The names are based on various factors like region, language, environment, culture, history, and more. Hence, these names are important as it helps them to differentiate from other animals.

So, read the article below and know the nitty gritty of the dog community and how and what are they called. This would increase your knowledge and help you name a dog when you have one for yourself.

What is a Male Dog Called?

Any male dog is simply known as a dog. But in certain contexts, it may differ. In the world of dog breeding a male dog is known as a sire. Only male dogs who have become father to puppies are known by this name. Such dogs have made a contribution to their lineage.

But before the breeding process takes place the male dog is known as stud. This is very crucial to provide titles to the dog. This shows how much they have contributed to their own canine family. These terms are crucial for the people involved in the dog breeding business. This also helps in documenting the lineage and the specific traits of these dogs.

What is a Female Dog Called?

There is specific terminology for female dogs. They are commonly referred to as bitches. This is the title they carry lifelong. This designation remains with them irrespective of their breeding status. This term is universally accepted among all the communities of the dog.

When a female dog is able to bear puppies then it is referred to as dam. This highlights her role as a mother and we can understand her pedigree and also trace the lineage. It can help to understand the hereditary characteristic of the dog as well. In the professional context, both the terms bitch and dam are used with respect and precision. This term is also respectfully used in the breeding world as well.

What is a Baby Dog Called?

Puppies is the universal name used for baby dogs. The term is applicable to young dogs irrespective of their gender. This term is only used till the age of one depending on their breed. This term is used in professional breeding communities, to pet owners, and veterinary care professionals as well.

What is a Spayed Female Dog Called?

These types of dogs are referred to as bitch. The term does not change the classification of the dog. It indicates that to remove her uterus and ovaries she has undergone a surgical procedure to remove. Hence, she cannot give birth to puppies anymore. They are given the name spayed dog.

What is a Police Dog Called?

Police dogs are generally referred to as K-9 or K9. You may find it similar sounding to canine. They play a significant role in the law enforcement. These dogs are specially trained to assist the police and other law enforcement personnel. They help in searching drugs, explosives and locate missing people. They even help in looking for the evidence in the crime scene and protecting other officers. K9s can be of many breeds. They are highly respected for their skills and achievements and their contribution to the society is immeasurable.

What do Veterinarians Call a Male Dog?

Vets use clinical language which is quite straightforward while referring to pets. A male dog is known as just male dog or simply male. This terminology is simply used to avoid any kind of confusion. This even helps in keeping clarity in medical records and makes treatments easier. The main concern of the veterinarian is for their health and hence easy and simple gender-specific words are used.

What do Breeders Call a Male Dog?

Breeders use a specific term for male dogs who are of the reproductive age or lineage. They are popularly referred to as stud. These terms are only used when the dog reaches a desirable age of breeding. When the dog becomes father to puppies he is known as a sire. These terms are important and frequently used in the breeding community. It helps to understand how much they have contributed to the gene pool of the canines.

What do Dog Owners Call Male Dogs?

The dog owners use numerous names for their dogs. The choices of names depend on their personal preferences. It also depends on the personality or the physical traits of the dog as well. The most common name is boy and others may prefer to use unique nicknames and affectionately call them names as well. The choice of names also depends on the bond between the owner and the dog. It has very less connection with the breed or the gender of the dog.

What do Veterinarians Call Female Dog?

In the veterinary profession, a female dog is referred to as just female dogs or only as female. This helps in easy record keeping and avoids any kind of confusion. The vets are interested and focused on providing care, guidance, support, and treatment to the dogs hence they are not fascinated by providing names to them. They are concerned about the health of the dog more than anything else.

What do Breeders Call Female Dogs?

In the breeding communities, the female dogs are called bitches. The word may sound as slang to people. But this term is used universally for any female dog. When that bitch gives birth to puppies then they are known as dam. This signifies their role in producing more puppies and continues their lineage forward. The terms are used with the respect and accuracy for discussing breeds and pedigree.

What do Dog Owners Call Female Dogs?

The female dogs also get names as their male counterparts. The names signify the bond they share between the owner and the dog. The owners give them names as per their taste and preferences. There is little connection of the names with the breed or the gender of the dog.

When to use Specific Terms?

It is very important when to use specific terms for both the male and female dogs. This helps in the breeding, dog shows, or when they are taken for their veterinary check up.

When to Call a Male Dog Stud?

A male dog is referred to as a stud when he undergoes the breeding purpose. The term is specifically for male dogs that have special traits in them. It can be like a good lineage, health, temperament. These are among the most sort after traits which the breeders wish to pass on to the puppies. When a stud can have puppies with selected females then he is referred to as sire. These are done under breeding agreements.

When to Call A Male Dog a Sire?

A male dog who has fathered puppies is known as a Sire. The term is mentioned in the breeding records along with the pedigree. This is important for the role of the dog to continue his breed and lineage. This is significant as a contribution off the dog to its gene.

When to Call a Male Dog a Bastard?

When the term is used in the context of the dogs then it can use when their breed is not known or they have a mixed breed. This term is not used due to the negative implications it has on the dog.

When to Call a Female Dog a Dam?

When a female dog gives birth to puppies then it is known as a dam. The term is used only in the breeding profession and for understanding the lineage of the puppies. It also helps to understand the characteristics the puppy has inherited hereditarily. This even highlights the contribution of the female dog in order to continue its breed and even passing down the genetic traits and health conditions.

When to Call a Female Dog a Bitch?

When a female dog reaches its breeding age it is referred to as a bitch. This has nothing to do with the fact whether the female dog has given birth to puppies or not. The term is widely used in the breeding, dog shows, health screening, and other sports.

When to Call a Female Dog a Bitch in Heat?

When a female dog is going through her estrous cycle she is described as a bitch in heat. The term is also used for bitches when they are in the fertile age and can conceive puppies. The words heat and estrus are the biological terms used for this phrase when the bitch is in their reproductive cycle. Breeders or owners of female dogs use this term. This helps them to recognize them for breeding purposes and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

When to Call a Female Dog a Queen?

Earlier during some contexts or in certain regions the female dog of the breeding age was referred to as Queens. This also referred to those with high pedigree or value.

Names For Male And Female Dogs in Other Countries

The terms used for male and female dogs vary a lot all over the world. It reflects the culture, language, and sometimes the historical influences as well. Below you will come across some of the names of the dogs the world over.

Male Dog Names

  • France – Georges, Jules, July
  • Germany – Fritz, Hans, Ludwig
  • Italy – Aldo, Bruno, Luigi
  • Japan – Koro, Taro, Yuki
  • Spain – Carlos, Fernando, Diego
  • Russia – Boris, Ivan, Nikita
  • Brazil – Thor, Max, Bob
  • Australia- Max, Buddy, Jack

Female Dog Names

  • France – Fifi, Bijou, Chloe
  • Germany – Heidi, Greta, Frieda
  • Italy – Bella, Sofia, Luna
  • Spain – Carmen, Lucia, Isabella
  • Japan – Sakura, Hana, Kiko
  • Russia – Natasha, Svetlana, Olga
  • Australia – Bella, Molly, Daisy
  • Brazil – Mel, Luna, Belinha

Interesting Facts About Dog Terms

The terms used to refer to dogs according to the language, cultural background, historical background, and social background. Below you would come across some of the most intriguing facts about the terms used for the dogs.

Ancient Origins – The term dog itself has a strange mystery around it. You can trace the word dog back to the Middle English era. In the old English, the word hound or hund was replaced by the word dog. But the exact reason for how the word dog was replaced is not known by linguistics.

Bitch – This is a standard term used for female dogs. The term was in use before 1000s. It was always in use for a female dog but when used for human it was definitely on a derogatory note.

Sire and Dam – The words are used for the male and female dogs that can produce puppies. Sire is a word used in the human race for a lord, or a person who has authority. And the word Dam was used for noble woman who were highly respected or mothers in the historical context.

Stud – Stud was originally referred to a place where horses were breed, the stud farm. The term was later used to the breeding male horse for producing babies. The application of the word in the context of the dog is quite a modern concept.

Puppy – You would be surprised to know the word puppy comes from the French dog poupee. This means doll or toy. This is a reflection of the affectionate relationship the dog owners have with their pets. It was introduced in the English language during the 15th century. This provides an emphasis into the playful, cherished, and the value of the young dogs in the society.

Fido – This is one of the most popular dog names. Fido is derived from the Latin word Fidus this generally means faithful. The name is quite popular in history and also reflects the value and traits of the loyalty the dogs have shown to their owners.

What Are The Males of Other Pets Called?

The term used for the male dogs varies for each species. The difference occurs due to the difference in the specific roles and breeding techniques and their social and domestic contexts.

What is a Male Cat Called?

The male cat is commonly referred to as Tomcat or just Tom. This name is given to cats of the breeding age. In certain cases, the male cats are also referred to as just males.

What is a Male Horse Called?

The male horses have several names given to them. This depends on their breeding status. A young male horse is known as a colt till it becomes an adult. A horse of the age of four is considered an adult. An adult is known as stallion. This name is generally given when it is capable of breeding. When a male horse is castrated it is known as gelding.

What is a Male Duck Called?

A male duck is referred to as a drake. This term is widely used in various contexts. Drakes have vibrant colored plumage which is uncommon in their hen counterparts. There are various species of ducks which help them to easily identify themselves due to the colored plumage.

What is a Male Rabbit Called?

Male rabbits are generally referred to as bucks. This term is also used in may contexts. This is commonly used for pet ownership, breeding, and also for veterinary care as well.

What is a Male Chicken Called?

The common names for male chicken are roosters or cocks. Roosters are a common term used in America. Cock is an older term and is still in use in many English-speaking countries. Cockerel is a male chicken under the age of one. When they are castrated they are known as capon. This is done to improve the quality of meat; this practice is common in several cultures.

What is a Male Bird Called?

The term used for male birds are different for different species across the world. But the common term used for male birds are cock. In the breeding communities for birds and people who are avid bird enthusiasts, they refer to male birds as cocks.

What is a Male Fish Called?

A male fish is referred to as just males both scientifically and casually as well. There are special terms used for specific species. Whereas male Betta fishes are commonly known as Bettas. This helps in distinguishing them from their female counterparts. This is done due to their vibrant colors and longer fins. But the word Betta can be used for both the genders.

What is a Male Guinea Pig Called?

Male guinea pigs are referred to as boars. The terms are used for other rodents and for other types of livestock as well. Boars are used for other Male counterparts which are capable of breeding as well.

What is a Male Hamster Called?

Male hamsters are just referred to as males. The name boar is less used but it is a more accurate term for hamsters.


Now I believe your perception of what a male dog is called is quite clear. The names assigned are used for convenience and helps to distinguish them from the other animals. The dog loving community used as these names due to affection and love towards them. Although the names would vary depending on the region they are growing, the culture, historical background if any, and the language.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age for male digs to be considered a stud?

When a male dog reaches an age of sexual maturity. This age varies with each breed. The average age is generally between six to twelve months of their age. There are some breeders who are responsible enough and they wait for the dog to grow a bit older, till the age of two. This helps the dog to achieve a complete physical and mental maturity.

When to call a male dog a sire?

A male dog who has fathered puppies in their life is called as a sire. In the breeding communities, the term is also used for male dogs that have puppies and they contribute to the improvement of their breed. This also improves the pedigree and quality of the breed as well.

Can we use the term bitch for female dogs?

Bitch is the traditional and correct term used for female dogs. This can be used in breeding contexts. The term is not used in casual conversation due to the derogatory context it has. But in the context of dog breeding and veterinary care, this term is quite common.

How do I choose the right name for my dog?

Choosing a name for your dog is a personal choice. The names should preferably be easy to pronounce and can be easily distinguishable from the other commands given to them. Any name given to them should reflect their personality of the dog has its appearance and breed.

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