What Does Canon Mean in Anime | Choose Your Sources Right

The colorful world of the anime mesmerizes audience globally. There are many animation options and terms which are used in anime. Among them one is canon. So, do you have any idea what does canon mean in anime? Do not worry if you don’t we have got you covered.

The acronyms or terms are usually not used in the entertainment industry in the rest of the world. But anime is different. They use these terms and production methods to make their anime more lively and realistic.

So, let us get to know what does canon mean in anime. Although the term may be new to you the meaning is simple to understand. There are special terms referred to the animes.

What Does Canon Mean in Anime?

Canon majorly refers to the anime which blindly refers to its source like the manga, novel, or movie. They do not make the slightest change in the storyline of the anime. All the things align between the source and the anime, like the characters, plot twists, climax, and the other elements of the story as well.

In any canon anime, the entire narrative of the source material is used or a specific segment is adapted. The anime can not be considered canon when the storyline of the anime does not align with the main source.

In the canon anime, there can be additions or alterations made. But the main story can not differ or the anime can not deviate from the main source. Some of the famous canon anime are One Piece, Naruto, Attack on Titan, and Dragon Ball Z.

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Why should we Watch Canon Anime?

Canon anime is preferred by viewers who are interested in only watching the original manga come to life. There the storyline, characters, and events all are the same as the source.

But if you are a person who wishes to explore a different theory of the anime, a slight change in the anime would not affect you. Then you can opt for non-canon anime. In such types of animes, you can conclude that you have not read the original manga or have never even imagined as well. In non-canon animes, you get to experience a different level of creativity and an element of surprise. So, it solely depends on you which one is more appealing to you.

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So, I hope what does canon mean in anime is clear to you. Although the meaning is simple and not as complicated as it may seem to be. You can make your own choice of viewing the anime. I like the non-canon animes as they always have something new to offer. So, what is your choice of anime? Do let us know in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

what does canon mean in anime?

Canon majorly refers to the anime which blindly refers to its source like the manga, novel, or movie. They do not make the slightest change in the storyline of the anime.

What are non-canon anime?

Non-canon animes are the ones that do not adapt from the source of the manga, movie, or novel. They always make variations in the storyline and make it more creative.

Which are some of the canon anime? 

Some examples of canon animes are Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and Attack on Titan.

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