The game of truth and dare is not new to the Gen-Zs. This game has made its mark since centuries. Now it is being taken as a fun game where friends or family get together and enjoy it. Here I have come up with some spicy truth and dare questions. These would definitely give a new direction to your game.
We all love to have our own doses of organized fun games like never have I ever, a drinking game and some of the dinner party games, and more. Here I would discuss a bit about the game of truth and dare, as this is more popular than the others.
So, let us get to know the rules of the game then read the questions. You can choose from the list the questions which you wish to ask. And you are all set to play the game now.
How to Play The Game of Truth or Dare?
You just sit with your friends and acquaintances eager to play the game. Everyone sits in a circle. You go about in a clockwise motion. Ask each player to if they prefer truth to dare. After they chose they are asked a question if they chose truth. If they take up a dare they are asked to do something. When a player refuses to does either of the two then they have to complete a forfeit, which is chosen by the other players.
Spicy Truth Questions
- What’s one secret you’ve kept from someone in this room?
- Describe your most awkward date in vivid detail.
- What is the craziest thing you have ever done to attract someone’s attention?
- If you could erase one past experience, what would it be?
- Who do you think is the worst dressed person in this room?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done for love?
- Have you ever lied to your best friend? If yes, what was it about?
- What’s something you’re glad your mom doesn’t know about you?
- Who here would you most like to swap lives with for a week and why?
- What’s a guilty pleasure that you’re willing to admit?
- What’s the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?
- Who in this room would you trust with a secret the most?
- What’s your most bizarre habit?
- Have you ever ghosted someone you were dating and why?
- What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told without getting caught?
- Which celebrity do you find overrated and why?
- Have you ever stolen something; if so, what was it?
- What’s the most embarrassing music you listen to?
- What is your biggest turn-off in a partner?
- Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person that was about them?
- What’s your worst habit?
- What was your most inappropriate or embarrassing crush?
- What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
- Have you ever been caught lying to your boss/teacher?
- What is something you’ve never told anyone in this room?
- What’s the most childish thing you still do?
- If you had to date someone in this room, who would it be and why?
- What is the one thing you would stand in line for an hour to get?
- Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?
- What’s the worst advice you’ve ever given someone else?
Best Truth Questions
- What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever said or done?
- Who in this family makes you laugh the hardest and why?
- What is one family secret you think you’re not supposed to know?
- What’s the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into with family?
- What’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken with the family?
- Which family member are you most similar to?
- What’s your most memorable family holiday?
- Have you ever lied about liking a family member’s cooking?
- What is something you’ve always wanted to tell someone in our family?
- What’s the best gift you’ve ever received from a family member?
- What was your biggest childhood fear?
- What’s the funniest thing that happened at a family wedding?
- Who in the family do you go to for advice and why?
- What is one habit of another family member that you find amusing or annoying?
- Have you ever re-gifted a present from a family member?
- What’s the one dish you wish our family would make more often?
- Which family member knows you the best?
- What’s your favorite family tradition?
- What was your worst birthday and why?
- What is the one thing you would change about our family gatherings?
- If you could switch roles with one family member for a day, who would it be and why?
- What’s the funniest cooking disaster someone in the family had?
- Which family event would you love to relive?
- Is there a hobby you secretly admire but haven’t tried yet?
- Who in the family tells the best stories?
- What’s one thing you’re grateful for about our family?
- What was your most embarrassing moment that the whole family witnessed?
- If our family had a reality show, what would it be called?
- What’s the worst haircut you ever had, and who gave it to you?
- Who in the family would you turn to if you were in trouble and why?
Funny Truth Questions
- What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen happen in the office?
- Who in the office would you trust to handle a major project with you?
- What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?
- Have you ever had a work-related dream or nightmare?
- What’s one skill you wish you could instantly acquire for your job?
- Which work-related app or tool could you not live without?
- What’s the most unusual item you have in your workspace?
- What’s your go-to productivity hack?
- Who in the office makes the best coffee or tea, and why?
- If you could swap roles with anyone in the office for a week, who would it be and why?
- What’s the biggest work meeting faux pas you’ve witnessed?
- What’s one office trend you think should make a comeback?
- What was your biggest rookie mistake at this job?
- What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
- If our office had a mascot, what should it be and why?
- What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done on a work trip?
- How do you decompress after a long workweek?
- What’s your most memorable office holiday party?
- Who in the office would survive a zombie apocalypse and why?
- What’s a project you’re proud of that not many people know about?
- What’s your go-to song for commuting to work?
- Which conference or professional event did you enjoy the most and why?
- Who in the office do you think has the best sense of humor?
- What’s the most unexpected skill you’ve learned in your current job?
- If you could change one thing about our workplace, what would it be?
- What’s your secret talent that has nothing to do with work?
- Who would you nominate as the office DJ, and why?
- What’s the best lunch you’ve ever had at work?
- Have you ever accidentally replied all to an email you shouldn’t have?
- What’s your favorite memory from any team-building activity?
Weird Truth Questions
- What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?
- If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?
- Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?
- After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the ground and then ate it?
- Have you ever tasted a booger?
- Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents?
- What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex?
- Have you ever peed in the pool?
- Who do you think is the worst-dressed person in this room?
- Have you ever farted in an elevator?
- True or false: You have a crush on [fill in the blank].
- Of the people in this room, who do you want to trade lives with?
- What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet?
- Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
- Do you cover your eyes during a scary part in a movie?
- Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?
- Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk?
- What is your guilty pleasure?
- What is your worst habit?
- Has anyone ever walked in on you when going #2 in the bathroom?
- Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
- Have you ever walked into a wall?
- Do you pick your nose?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Have you ever peed yourself?
- What was your most embarrassing moment in public?
- Have you ever farted loudly in class?
- Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?
- You’re in a public restroom and just went #2, then you realized your stall has no toilet paper. What do you do?
- What would be in your web history that you’d be embarrassed if someone saw?
- Have you ever tried to take a sexy picture of yourself?
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
- Do you drool in your sleep?
- Do you talk in your sleep?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Do you think [fill in the name] is cute?
- Who do you like the least in this room, and why?
- What does your dream boy or girl look like?
- What is your go-to song for the shower?
- Who is the sexiest person in this room?
- How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10?
- Would you rather have sex with [insert name] in secret or not have sex with that person, but everyone thinks you did?
- What don’t you like about me?
- What color underwear are you wearing right now?
- What was the last thing you texted?
- If you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind from this room, who would it be?
- Do you think you’ll marry your current girlfriend/boyfriend?
- How often do you wash your undergarments?
- Have you ever tasted ear wax?
- Have you ever farted and then blamed someone else?
- Have you ever tasted your sweat?
- What is the most illegal thing you have ever done?
- Who is your favorite: Mom or Dad?
- Would you trade your sibling in for a million dollars?
- Would you trade in your dog for a million dollars?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- If you were allowed to marry more than one person, would you? Who would you choose to marry?
- Would you rather lose your sex organs forever or gain 200 pounds?
- Would you choose to save 100 people without anyone knowing about it or not save them but have everyone praise you for it?
- If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it?
- Who in this room would be the worst person to date? Why?
- Would you rather live with no internet or no A/C or heating?
- If someone offered you $1 million to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, would you do it?
- If you were reborn, what decade would you want to be born in?
- If you could go back in time in erase one thing you said or did, what would it be?
- Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever embarrassed you?
- Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner?
- If you could suddenly become invisible, what would you do?
- Have you ever been caught checking someone out?
- Have you ever waved at someone thinking they saw you when really they didn’t? What did you do when you realized it?
- What’s the longest time you’ve stayed in the bathroom, and why did you stay for that long?
- What’s the most unflattering school picture of you?
- Have you ever cried because you missed your parents so much?
- Would you rather be caught picking your nose or picking a wedgie?
- Describe the strangest dream you’ve ever had. Did you like it?
- Have you ever posted something on social media that you regret?
- What is your biggest fear?
- Do you pee in the shower?
- Have you ever ding-dong ditched someone?
- The world ends next week, and you can do anything you want (even if it’s illegal). What would you do?
- Would you wear your shirt inside out for a whole day if someone paid you $100?
- What is the most childish thing that you still do?
- How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams?
- Tell us about a time you embarrassed yourself in front of a crush.
- Have you ever kept a library book?
- Who is one person you pretend to like but actually don’t?
- What children’s movie could you watch over and over again?
- Do you have bad foot odor?
- Do you have any silly nicknames?
- When was the last time you wet the bed?
- How many pancakes have you eaten in a single sitting?
- Have you ever accidentally hit something with your car?
- If you had to make out with any Disney character, who would it be?
- Have you ever watched a movie you knew you shouldn’t?
- Have you ever wanted to try LARP (Live Action Role-Play)?
- What app on your phone do you waste the most time on?
- Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something? If so, what was it?
- What is the most food you’ve eaten in a single sitting?
- Do you dance when you’re by yourself?
- Would you have voted for or against Trump?
- What song on the radio do you sing along with every time it comes on?
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
- Do you own a pair of footie pajamas?
- Are you scared of the dark?
- What “as seen on TV” product do you secretly want to buy?
- Do you still take bubble baths?
- If you were home by yourself all day, what would you do?
- How many selfies do you take a day?
- What is something you’ve done to try to be ‘cooler’?
- When was the last time you brushed your teeth?
- Have you ever used self-tanner?
- What do your favorite pajamas look like?
- Do you have a security blanket?
- Have you ever eaten something off the floor?
- Have you ever butt-dialed someone?
- Do you like hanging out with your parents?
- Have you ever gotten caught doing something you shouldn’t?
- What part of your body do you love, and which part do you hate?
- Have you ever had lice?
- Have you ever pooped your pants?
- What was the last R-rated movie you watched?
- Do you lick your plate?
- What is something that no one else knows about you?
- Do you write in a diary?

Spicy Dares
- Dance with no music on for two minutes.
- Imitate a celebrity until someone else can guess who you are imitating.
- Post an old embarrassing photo of yourself on social media.
- Let the person to your left draw something on your face with a permanent marker.
- Wear socks on your hands for the next three rounds.
- Try to juggle 3 items of the group’s choosing.
- Hold a funny face for 30 seconds, no laughing allowed!
- Speak in an accent chosen by the group until your next turn.
- Make up a short rap about another player.
- Do your best impression of someone in the room, and others have to guess who it is.
- Swap clothes with someone of the opposite sex in the room for the next round.
- Call a random number, and sing “Happy Birthday” to whoever answers.
- Act like a chicken until your next turn.
- Let the group pose you in an embarrassing position and take a picture.
- Try to lick your elbow while singing the alphabet.
- Send a flirty text to someone in your phone chosen by the group.
- Eat a spoonful of mustard or hot sauce.
- Try to perform a magic trick.
- Do push-ups until it’s your turn again.
- Carry the person to your right around the room.
- Hold a plank for one minute.
- Talk in rhymes for the next 10 minutes.
- Run outside and shout “I am the superhero this city needs!”
- Create a cocktail from whatever ingredients the group chooses and drink it.
- Wear a blindfold until your next turn.
- Give a foot massage to the person on your left.
- Pretend to be a waiter/waitress and take snack orders from everyone in the room.
- Post an embarrassing selfie on your main social media account.
- Let someone tickle you for 30 seconds.
- Make a prank call to a mutual friend and try to get them to agree to something ridiculous
Best Dares
- Imitate another family member, and let everyone else guess who it is.
- Do your best impression of a family pet.
- Lead a family sing-along of your favorite song.
- Wear a silly hat or costume for the next round of the game.
- Try to make a family recipe from memory without help.
- Draw a portrait of your family, and explain each person’s characteristics.
- Give a dramatic reading of a random text message from your phone.
- Organize a mini talent show and perform your ‘talent.’
- Dance without music for one minute while everyone else watches.
- Try to speak in rhymes for the next 10 minutes.
- Switch clothing items with someone of the opposite gender in the family.
- Make up a short rap about a typical family day.
- Do an impersonation of your favorite celebrity for the family.
- Pretend to be a statue while others try to make you laugh for one minute.
- Create a handshake with the person next to you and demonstrate it.
- Hold a plank for as long as you can while others count out loud.
- Let someone style your hair and keep it that way until the end of the game.
- Build a human pyramid with willing family members.
- Walk around the room with a book on your head.
- Play charades about a famous family story until someone guesses it.
- Swap a clothing item with the oldest and youngest family members for the next round.
- Do your best version of the family’s favorite dance song.
- Create and perform a jingle about your family.
- Run outside and shout something silly that the group decides.
- Play fetch like a dog, complete with barking and bringing back a thrown item.
- Act out a famous movie scene, and have the family guess the movie.
- Give a tour of the room you’re in as if it’s a museum exhibit.
- Mimic a famous athlete’s victory celebration.
- Put on a puppet show using socks for the next round.
- Try to balance a spoon on your nose for as long as possible.
Funny Dares
- Organize a quick office chair race in a safe area.
- Mime a typical workday task until someone guesses what it is.
- Share your screen and show everyone your desktop wallpaper.
- Call a random department and sing them a verse of a popular song.
- Lead the team in a two-minute stretch or dance break.
- Do your best impression of the boss (with their permission).
- Write a haiku about your job and read it aloud.
- Wear a funny hat during your next virtual meeting.
- Create a handshake that involves five steps and demonstrate it with a colleague.
- Speak in a foreign accent during your next team meeting.
- Pretend to be a caller on a customer service line and make a mock inquiry.
- Imitate a popular meme or viral video and let others guess which one it is.
- Draw a portrait of your team on a whiteboard.
- Label everything on someone’s desk with Post-It notes.
- Act like you’re in a silent film for the first 10 minutes of your lunch break.
- Try to sell a common office item like it’s a product on a shopping channel.
- Recite the alphabet backwards in under 20 seconds.
- Organize an impromptu trivia quiz about the office or industry.
- Use office supplies to make a simple craft or sculpture.
- Pretend to be a statue whenever someone says a specific buzzword during a meeting.
- Swap a work task with someone for an hour.
- Hold a one-minute motivational speech at your next team meeting.
- Decorate your workspace in a theme chosen by your colleagues for a day.
- Wear mismatched shoes or socks for the entire workday.
- Use a lighthearted pun in your next formal email to the team.
- Choose a common word and every time you hear it in a meeting today, clap your hands.
- Bring a unique or exotic snack to share with the team.
- Create and wear a silly name tag for a day.
- Start a conga line during a break.
- Impersonate a famous character during your next presentation or call.
Weird Dares
- Go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers.
- Eat a whole piece of paper.
- Fill your mouth with water, and each person in the group must tell the funniest joke they know. If you spit up the water, you have to eat a spoonful of dirt.
- Tie your hands to your ankles for the rest of the game.
- Suck your big toe.
- Eat a mouthful of raw pasta.
- Dump a bunch of LEGOs on the floor and walk over them with your bare feet.
- Write a letter to your doctor describing an embarrassing rash you have, and post it on Facebook.
- Go outside and hug a mailbox until at least three passersby have seen you.
- Only speak in rhymes for the rest of the game.
- Soak a shirt in water, put it in the fridge for 20 minutes, and then wear it.
- Trade clothes with the person next to you.
- Make a silly face and keep it that way until the next round.
- Kneel for an hour.
- Let someone wax your back.
- Drink water straight from a running faucet for a whole minute.
- For the rest of the game, do not say “I.”
- Make up a rap about koalas.
- Call a stranger and tell them a secret.
- Allow someone to pour ice down your shirt and pants.
- Let each person in the group slap you as hard as they can on your butt.
- Walk down the street in your underwear.
- Make your ear touch your shoulder for the rest of the game.
- Run around outside yelling, “I have lice!”
- Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning.
- Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and Like every post on their wall going back a full year.
- Pick the nose of the person next to you.
- Lick a car tire.
- Lick the bottom of your shoe.
- Jump into a dumpster.
- Take a plate of leftovers over to your neighbor, knock on their door, and say, “Welcome to the neighborhood” as if you’ve never met them before.
- Text someone “hey.” Every time they respond, say “hey.” Do this 10 times. For the 11th time, reply with “hi.”
- Dip your finger in the toilet, and then kiss that finger.
- Make a hand puppet by drawing a face on your hand, and use your hand to say what you want to say.
- Let everyone look through your search history for two minutes.
- Coat your hands in food coloring, and don’t wash them off for 10 minutes.
- Skype/FaceTime someone and pick your nose during the conversation.
- Remove your underwear and throw it in the garbage.
- Lick mayonnaise off of someone’s toe.
- Let a person in the group put a leash on you and walk you down the street.
- Cry like a baby for one full minute.
- Call a drugstore and ask them which laxative is the most effective. After they answer, ask how many they have.
Now you have the entire list of spicy truth or dare questions. So, choose the ones you wish to ask or give as dares. I am sure your friends and playmates would love them. They would also give a fun and entertaining color to the game. You can go on with the game for long hours. So, grab the questions you like and you are all good to go.