Know The Platinum End Manga in Details | Get The Details to Transform Your Life

The Platinum End manga is about a story of how a person transforms his life when he gets to know his latent powers. I believe this is the story of each one of us. When we get to understand what we are capable of we are more prepared and accept life happily as it comes.

This manga has mystery, fantasy, and adventure all in one. And yet the story inspires a lot of readers around the globe. Many draw inspiration from the story and can comprehend what they are capable of in life.

So, know the story about platinum end manga. I am sure you would be drawn to read the manga version of it. Read the blog in a few minutes and get to know the story. It might help you to understand the manga in a better way.

Platinum End Manga Story

The hero of the story is Mirai Kakehashi. He is a boy who has only experienced pain and despair in life. He lost his family to an explosion. The relatives who took his responsibility abused him a lot. Slowly he gets depressed and feels it is better to end his life than to live anymore. He finally decides to take his own life and stands at the edge of a cliff.

When he is about to fall to his death, his destiny has other plans for him. He goes into a trance and meets his guardian angel. The angel looks like a winged being and is named Nasse. And Mirai is surprised to see him.  The angel offers Mirai two priceless abilities and also insists he keeps on living.

When Mirai gets a taste of his power, he cannot believe himself. He gets to know what is freedom and understands what he is going to lose by taking his own life. With the new powers, Mirai is not alone. He comes across 12 other individuals who are similar to his condition.

Among them, only one person would be chosen to be the next God. Now Mirai has no plans of committing suicide and he prepares himself to use his powers to the fullest. He does not want to let the opportunity given to him go in vain. So he makes the most out of it.

Also, read Where Does Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 End in Manga in 2023?


To know more about what Mirai does with the opportunity you have to read the manga and and get further answers. I am sure you would enjoy reading it. Manga lovers who love mystery, fantasy, and adventure would love to know more about Platinum End manga.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Mirai die in Platinum End manga?

No, Mirai does not die in Platinum End manga. He tries to commit suicide but fails. And an unexpected event takes place with him.

Why does Mirai try to commit suicide?

Mirai tries to commit suicide as he is frustrated with his own life and he has no one to call his own in this whole wide world. So, he does not want to live anymore.

Which is the latest chapter of Platinum End Manga?

The last chapter of Platinum end manga is chapter 58.

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