Who Does Anzu End Up With Romantic Killer Manga? Recognise The Real Hero of Her Heart

Anzu Hoshino is one of the most influential characters in the Romantic Killer manga. She does not prefer being in a romantic relationship with anyone in the manga. So readers are speculating who does Anzu end up with Romantic Killer manga?

In the manga, Anzu has other priorities in life like video games cats, and chocolates. She is associated with other characters in the manga. And readers are anticipating with whom she would get along the best.

Hence, to provide all the answers to this question read the blog below. I hope you will get to know your answers now. So, just read the blog and get the perfect option for Anzu.

Does Anzu End Up With Tsukasa?

Anzu does not end up with Tsukasa. Although they have a good relationship and strong chemistry Anzu does not end up with him. Tsukasa has feelings for Anzu, but she considers him her good friend.

Tsukasa has been claiming for quite some time that he is not interested in dating now. At the same time, Anzu’s charming personality and how she unknowingly saved Tsukasa from his anxiety on various occasions have generated feelings in Tsukasa for Anzu.

Tsukasa and Anzu first met at a convenience store. Anzu broke his phone accidentally. The next time they again meet each other at a station. There Anzu fell from the stairs after she was coaxing Riri.

The next time due to the rain Tsukasa’s apartment was flooded and he started living with Anzu. After starting to live together Tsukasa felt much more relaxed and easy with Anzu. Due to Riri’s magic, they frequently found themselves in romantic situations but it did not affect Anzu much.

With time Anzu and Tsukasa grew closer but Anzu handled everything quite well and did not leave Tsukasa no matter what.

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Does Anzu End Up With Junta?

No, Anzu is not interested in Junta. However, at the beginning of their relationship, Anzu has mistaken Junta to be another handsome guy or Ikemen who was manipulated due to Riri’s magic. But later she comes to know Junta is Tonta, the kid who followed her while they were young. She realizes that Junta’s feelings for Anzu are real.

Knowing his feelings, Anzu never felt awkward in front of him, instead, she was more conscious of her actions in front of him. She did not want to hurt his feelings as she was growing close to Tsukasa.

Junta is different from the other love interests of Anzu. He is kind-hearted and is happy by just spending time with Anzu. Whenever he and Anzu were mistaken as a couple he felt shy. Despite all this Junta is honest and he still tries to impress Anzu and just be there for her.

Just like Tsukasa Anzu considers Junta to be her best friend. They share similar interests like watching horror movies, going out, and eating together. They even live together as a real family would.

Does Anzu End Up With Koganei?

Anzu even does not end with Koganei. There are many reasons for this. As Anzu does not like the narsisistic and egoistic personality Koganei has. She dislikes being with Koganei, as whenever she speaks up Koganei makes her feel inferior. So, Anzu does not prefer going on dates with him and tries to avoid him.

But Koganei has a different opinion regarding Anzu, as he believes that she is the first commoner who has refused him. Hence, he tries to impress Anzu by doing whatever she requests him to. Despite his egoistic personality, he still mixes with Tsuchiya.

Koganei tries his level best to support Anzu by working in the same convenience store as her and saving her from getting into trouble with Kishi. Anzu on the other hand is happy with the changes in Koganei and is happy that Tsuchiya and Koganei have finally come closer to each other. And their social status has also not been a barrier in their relationship.

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Does Anzu End Up With Ryuya?

There is no chance of Anzu getting closer to Ryuya. Ryuya stays far away from Anzu and hence he stands in no way of coming close to her. Anzu knows that Ryuya is a cheater and still considers him as a good friend. She also knows that Ryuya should be beaten in order to change. Moreover, Anzu is not interested in dating someone who is a cheater.

Anzu, Ryuya, and Junta are childhood friends. Both the guys use various methods to win over Anzu and bully Junta. Anzu through Junta avoided her. Ryuya informed Junta that Anzu was tired of him.

Later Anzu refuses Ryuya’s proposal. This was overheard by Junta. He and their other friends try to console him and celebrate in the Karaoke room.

Who Does Anzu End Up With in The Romantic Killer Manga?

Anzu has a lot of options in Romantic Killer but ultimately she does not end up with anyone. Her friend Riri gives her options through many lovers using her magical powers. But Anzu is adamant, she does not want to fall in love forcefully. However, she knows that if she falls in love and starts a family. This will help to increase the population of Japan.

Anzu’s obsession with her chocolate, video games, and Momohiki her cat has always been her priority. She even gives more priority to these three things than going out with other boys. At the end of the manga, she remains single. But she has mixed with other potential boys of her age especially Tsukasa and her chemistry has been the best.

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Do you know who Anzu ends up with Romantic Killer manga? I hope now you have the answers to your questions. Although many readers might get disappointed by the ending still Anzu keeps the readers entertained with her other relations with the boys. Hence, you have to read the manga and know about Anzu and her love interests in detail. You can buy a copy of the manga or read it digitally.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who does Anzu end up with Romantic Killer manga?

Anzu does not end up with anyone in the Romantic Killer manga. Although she had a lot of options to herself she does not match up with anyone.

What does Anzu like doing?

Anzu loves to have chocolates, watch video games, and loves to spend time with her cat.

Does Anzu have a special relationship with Tsukasa?

Anzu and Tsukasa live in the same house and have a great chemistry between them. However, Anzu does not have any romantic feelings for Tsukasa. But Tsukasa has feelings for Anzu but does not force Anzu to love him.

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